How to Cook Appetizing Stir Fry Green Bean Carrots and Ground Beef (With Gochujang Paste)

Stir Fry Green Bean Carrots and Ground Beef (With Gochujang Paste).

Stir Fry Green Bean Carrots and Ground Beef (With Gochujang Paste) You can have Stir Fry Green Bean Carrots and Ground Beef (With Gochujang Paste) using 24 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Stir Fry Green Bean Carrots and Ground Beef (With Gochujang Paste)

  1. You need of For green bean:.
  2. You need 500 g of green beans wash and cut into 1 inch long.
  3. It's 1 tbsp of vegetable oil.
  4. Prepare 1 tsp of garlic powder.
  5. You need 1/2 tsp of salt.
  6. Prepare 1/2 tsp of chicken powder.
  7. It's of For beef:.
  8. Prepare 250 g of ground beef.
  9. You need of 1 tbsp vegetable oil.
  10. It's 1 tsp of soy sauce.
  11. You need 1/4 tsp of chicken powder.
  12. Prepare 1/4 tsp of garlic powder.
  13. You need 1/4 tsp of black pepper.
  14. You need of 1/4 tsp sugar.
  15. It's Pinch of salt.
  16. It's of Other ingredients:.
  17. Prepare of 1 medium carrot thinly sliced (julienne cut).
  18. It's 1/4 of onion thinly sliced.
  19. You need 1 tbsp of vegetable oil.
  20. You need of 2 tbsp gochujang (fermented red pepper paste).
  21. It's of 1 tbsp oyster sauce.
  22. It's of 50 ml water.
  23. Prepare 1/2 tsp of chicken powder.
  24. You need of Salt to taste.

Stir Fry Green Bean Carrots and Ground Beef (With Gochujang Paste) step by step

  1. Marinated the green bean. And the ground beef with each of the marinated ingredients.
  2. Preheat the oven to 400F. Spread the green bean onto a baking sheet that already cover with a aluminum foil. Bake for 15 minutes or just half cooked at 400F oven..
  3. Meanwhile, using a pan frying or wok heat up the oil in a medium heat. Add the onion, cook until it caramelize. Then add ground beef..
  4. Cook and stir until the color is no longer pink. Then add the carrot. Cook for couple minutes until the carrots are half cooked or wilted..
  5. Then add the green beans. Mix them together. Add gochujang (fermented red pepper paste), oyster sauce, more chicken powder, and water. Keep stirring until the paste dissolved..
  6. Continue cook until the carrots and green beans are cooked through and the liquid absorb. Taste it before turn off the heat. And the stir fry green bean is ready to serve..
  7. Serve warm over steamed rice. Enjoy!.
  8. HappyCooking ❤️.

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